Monday, April 03, 2006

Weekend Butterfly

I had a lovely weekend, one where I completely forgot about everything.

Saturday afternoon was spent at the races, where every horse I bet on came third. But since I only bet $1 each way, all I won back was 30 and 50 cents. Basically I lost money.

Saturday evening was at the Spanish Club, drinking sangria and making new friends, and of course dancing my little heart out. To which one of the cutest guys in the room told me he had watched me dancing and I was fantastic on the dancefloor. I’m gonna make sure I get to know him well…

Yesterday afternoon boyfriend and I trekked down to have lunch a suburb away, and took the dog with us. Italian was on the menu, and despite sitting outside in the restaurant’s shadow, it was a lovely peaceful afternoon. I felt restored. It reminded me of the excitement that I felt when we first started going out this time last year. Some of the magic of that afternoon is still hanging around.

As we walked back home, we decided to take a look at some cars (since we’d been talking about it for a while now) and ended up taking a little astra for a test drive. Power steering I think was my favourite feature. The car was fairly nice. Although boyfriend has a few reserves about it being a 98 model. But it’s nice. Acceptable. I could see myself driving it down the south coast. And suddenly the world opened up for me again. Despite getting my driver’s licence, I never ever felt like the world was my oyster. I only got to drive intermittently, and only to places pre-destined by my mother. I never knew what it felt like to just hop into the car and drive somewhere. So now with this steering wheel in my hands, I’ve gotten very excited. Suddenly the world unfolds itself to me. And I can go places, no longer bound by train lines, bus routes or pedestrian walkways.

I’m hoping we can get the finance for this car. He’s trying to sort it out this morning. It would be nice to be able to go places. And the car is nice. Not my dream car, but very very acceptable. It’s pretty roomy despite its size. And we could fit everything we ever needed in there. Already I’m picturing big shopping sprees in places that were once considered ‘out of the way.’

We can buy furniture. We can buy big items. No longer will we be bound by how much we can carry! And on the weekends when we want to go south, we can take the dog with us.

Now that we have a bit of cash back up our sleeves, it won’t be so bad. The extra that we’ll get from paying mum less, we can now use to buy ourselves a car. And in between, we can put a bit more into the credit card *crosses fingers *

Have been having strange dreams of late. All containing my brother. The first had him disappearing into a coma for three nights because my grandpa (who passed away close to 10 years ago) ‘needing him.’ The second dream had my brother crashing into me at the shopping center and offering to give me a lift to the station, only to make a detour to pick my mother up as well. And of course, the minute she gets in the car, arguments ensure. Meanwhile, my phone battery was dying and I couldn’t get through to my boyfriend to let him know where I’d gone.

I’d say the synopsis of these dreams is that I feel like my family is driving my destiny and I can’t communicate this properly to my boyfriend.

Anyhow, daylight savings has kicked in. Time to face the real world again. Sigh…


At Sat Apr 08, 03:11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool check this out


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