Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sicky Butterfly

What do you know? What do you need to know? If you know what it is you need to know, you are more than halfway towards knowing it. If you don't, how can you ever be sure you are asking the right questions? The current quadruple conjunction of Saturn, Mercury, Venus and the sun, implies the ability to acquire essential information. But once you get it, you will find everything changes dramatically and laughably for the better. That won't happen, though, if you persuade yourself you already know all the answers.

Don't you just love word twisters? Lots to blog about. Will probably do it later this afternoon. I feel like I'm coming down with the flu - again. My nose is starting to get all stuffed up and I'm coughing intermittantly. So much for hoping my immune system was superior to my boyfriend's.

Got lots of work to keep me occupied. Not entirely thrilled about that, but hey, what can you do?

And what's even more shocking, is that it's the end of June already.

29th June - wtf.

Where did all the time go?


At Wed June 29, 08:08:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really into astrology? Do you judge people on their star signs etc??

At Thu June 30, 10:04:00 am, Blogger Enigmatic Butterfly said...

judge is such a strong word... lol

i could spend an entire detailed post explaining my view on astrology.

i find astrology to be a common denominator of sorts.

while astrological stereotypes makes for amusing conversation and perhaps gives me a supposed (most often wrong) insight into a person and their motivations, at the end of the day it does little to truly affect my judgement of them.

after all, I'm a gemini, and common folklore has me as a two-timing, double faced gossip queen. my boyfriend is a virgo, which supposedly makes him one of the most boring signs in the zodiac, a nitpicker, pedantic, a scrooge and of course, an infamous clean freak. on top of which, geminis and virgos are considered to be one of the worst combinations for relationships in the zodiac.

yet both of us probably break these stereotypes in our own ways. while i try my best to keep an open mind about people and situations, i would never in my right mind call myself double faced. and while i talk, there are also many situations where i don't. i may be whimsical with a short attention span when it comes to certain things, but at the end of the day i am devoted to the ones i love. i would never in my right mind (or wrong mind for that matter) consider cheating on him.

my boyfriend, while pedantic about things like people's spelling and grammer, is a slob. his apartment does not, under any circumstances look like a virgoan habitat. while money may be important to him, i know for a fact that often his wallet is far from full. and far from being boring, he is one of the most entertaining people i know. course i could just be biased...

one of my closest uni friends is a scorpio. and supposedly we aren't supposed to get along either. although you could argue that there is a technical reason for this (based on your full horoscope, rather than simply the day you were born) i tend to think that while horoscopes and astrology may (perhaps) give you a sense of a person, it by no means pins you down to those beliefs. at the end of the day, each person is individual, and just because you don't get along with one particular sign of the zodiac - this may not be true of all manifests of the same sign.

if anything, i use astrology to learn more about myself. let's say that all this astrology stuff is true, wouldn't it make sense to use this knowledge for good? prove all the good stuff true, and try your best to refute all the negative press, so to speak.

i tend to find people often like to categorise things in order to make better sense of the world. and while astrology may be a fun way to do it, by no means am i a 'true believer.'

a lot of times horoscopes are so vague, as to make you wonder how accurate they really are. and there are sites online where basically you read them and can essentially dismiss them at the same time. if you read my earlier posts around december and january, you'll notice that often astrological forecasts weren't exactly kosher with what was going on in my life at the time.

so i guess to answer your question, in some ways i am into astrology and in some others i'm not. i tend to find i only read my horoscope when i feel a little directionless and want some sense of reassurance of idea of what lies ahead. by no means though, does that mean i take every forecast to be accurate or genuine. but it makes a nice point upon which to reflect upon my problems and perhaps find some sense of solution or at the very least peace with myself.

as to judging people, just because you may be a cold ruthless capricorn, a soppy cancerian, an egotistical leo or even a sex maniacal scorpio who is ready to stab you in the back at any given moment, that by no means means i'll stop being friends with you.

i'd like to think there is a side to every one of us that is worth knowing. i wouldn't want to be tied down by astrological descriptions of certain people's birthdays. although i do find it amusing when someone shows traits of their horoscope. even if at the end of the day it means absolutey nothing at all.

does that answer your question?

out of curiousity... what's your star sign? *grin*

At Fri July 01, 02:19:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that just about covers it

I'm an Aries. What are my stereotypical attributes? I think I've read them before, and most of it is true, unless of course it's just me making association with vague comments

At Sat July 02, 03:22:00 pm, Blogger Zan said...

Where did all the time went?

Even i'm left wondering... hmm... it's already July?!? Oh my...

BTW that's a real nice insight on astrology...


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