Sunday, June 19, 2005

Concerning Butterfly

Had an email exchange with him today. Sent him a quote that I came across while surfing the net that reminded me of all his troubles at work, and emphasised one of the keys to his outlook on life:

"That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong."

~William J. H. Boetcker

His reponse?

"You and me both my love...its one of the most important lessons in life."

And suddenly I saw the quote in a different light. Seemingly it echoes all the worries that were concerning me yesterday. It seems quite ironic that I didn't even seen that until he pointed it out to me. And yet again, I'm back on the Rock of Contemplation, sitting like Rodin's thinker, wondering if perhaps my decisions were in fact correct, if my actions are 'right.'

Who am I doing this all for, anyway? Him? or Me?

My mother tells me that what I'm doing is wrong. She sits and watches helplessly as I 'hit my head against the wall' as she eloquently puts it.

Meanwhile, he gives me the example, 'have you ever had a conversation with someone, where no matter your respect and love for that person, their opinion is just wrong? Plain and simple, wrong?'

And so there I float. Drifting aimlessly, a cork bobbing in that proverbial sea of uncertainty.

What is right and wrong anyway? Does it just boil down to how we feel about certain situations? As long as we feel no harm in our actions, as long as we are happy with our decisions, doesn't that make it 'right'?

Or no?

Is that just denial? Confusion? Uncertainty?

What if I'm so confused, to the point where I don't even know what's right or wrong? What is right or wrong, other than a simple unwritten law governed and handed down by society? What if everything we believe is in wrong? What if there is no moral code? What if it's all just some joke a person decided on making? A myth of 'rightness' and 'wrongness'?

Does that even make sense?


At Mon June 20, 02:32:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes perfect sense, I often discuss that topic with my best friend. Society intrigues me, I always wonder who makes the rules that deem something socially acceptable.

Your blog has convinced me to be more honest in my own blog. Tomorrow I'll start writing like nobody I know is reading.... Thanks for that :)

Good luck with it all, try stay happy

At Tue June 21, 01:04:00 pm, Blogger Enigmatic Butterfly said...

I'm honoured to know that I've influenced you.

It never occured to me that I could influence people just by being honest.

Good Luck with your blogging!



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