Thursday, May 05, 2005

Biding Butterfly

Saturn's sharp angle to your ruler suggests frustration and aggravation. You feel as if you are being somehow squashed. Either your circumstances won't allow you to accomplish what you want to, or a companion is being uncooperative. Or perhaps, you are wrestling with an authority figure of some kind. For now, at least, you must play by someone else's rules. Don't waste precious energy in futile conflict or confrontation. Bide your time. Wait for a change.

Am irritable, irritable, irritable. That comment seems to fit well today. And for once I'm willing to listen to my horoscope. Wait for change. What else am I supposed to do if I don't want? It's just tiring always fighting the establishment.

So tiring.

Things just don't seem to be going my way. And I'm unhappy. Spoilt, and very very unhappy. I'm supposed to roll with the punches. But all I feel is resentment at the rejection.

I just feel so frustrated. You won't go with me to Japan, because you wouldn't feel right with mum not knowing that we were going together. You and your stupid honesty. I'll tell you now, straight up, that she won't let us go. And the best you can come up with, is well that's something that the two of you have to sort out. Of course, it's got nothing to do with you. And you also tell me straight up that it is unacceptable for us not to spend another night together for the next 2 years.

What do you want? I don't think we can have a normal adult relationship. I'm not ready. Not really. As much as I love the commitment and the amount of love that you harbour for me, I'm not ready to give out so much. I'm probably scared. I just don't want to change anything. And sometimes I hate that you seem to be the harbringer of change.


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