Saturday, April 23, 2005

Leaving Butterfly

The moment to decide that you don't really know how to fly a plane is not when you are sitting in the cockpit, hurtling through the air at thousands of miles an hour. If you find yourself in such a position, you had better assume that you have had SOME training, that you must know something - and that you CAN get the thing safely to where it needs to be. Right now, you are doing something that is tricky. Despite your fears, though, it is still something that you are perfectly qualified to handle. Save your self-doubt for a safer, more appropriate moment.

That's reassuring. Except you better hope that it means the whole mother family thing that I will be equipped to deal with, rather than just going on a week holiday.

All that seems to happen is that she yells at me. Deep down she loves and cares for me. I know that. She knows that. And she is at a loss sometimes to explain why she's continually yelling at me. There seems to be no resolution. No resolving this problem. No perfect solution. But as my boyfriend pointed out to me last night, it may well turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy where everything will turn into my fault if I just let things be. If I let it all slide, run away, and then just lie to her. I have to be honest.

That what? I want to move out? That I want to spend nights at my boyfriend's house?


Going to be away for a week with no Internet access. Let's hope it's a good week.


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