Nonchalant Butterfly
Still bumping along. This week's forecast looks promising. Not for him especially, just for me in particular. I'm getting over this. *Crosses fingers*Mercury and Venus are forming a close conjunction and creating an immensely auspicious atmosphere. Whilst you can't expect to end up getting everything you want, you can at least look forward to finding out what it is that you actually do want. You will also discover how your aspiration can be attained. It is as if you have been trying to solve some complex puzzle. You have been racking your brains for ages in an attempt to find the elusive answer, and have reached a conclusion that some very convoluted formula needs to be followed. Now, suddenly, you see it's simple and it's easy.Working overtime today. Work's not panning out as bad as I had originally feared. Going out to dinner tonight with family, but in the city. So not so bad. Get to bed, wake up tomorrow and back here again.
I saw him online last night through my msn blocked partition. It makes me feel good inside to see him there not knowing where I am. Strange though, because a few months ago, seeing him there would've put me through immense agony. The only agony I feel these days is if he's *not* online. Because that might mean that he has a life, and may or may not be thinking/missing me. I have problems. I know =P I'm selfish. I know =P And just a tad obsessive =P I know.
But as I told my friend last night, I'm getting there. On the path to redemption. On the path to sanity. On the road back to normalcy (however normal I may in fact be). On the road back to being just emotionally stunted ol' me.
Hear me roar and shake the very foundations of your core. Because quite frankly, as I warned you once, the only way we can be friends is if I don't care about you. And I'm coming perilously close to getting there.
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