Curious Butterfly
Update 11:59PMI know, I know. I'm supposed to be in bed. And I am going to bed. I just felt compelled to put this up first:
Gemini Monthly Horoscope for December:
The New Moon in your love zone so close to powerful Pluto could indeed have rather a large impact on your relationships. If you're currently single and you've been finding it hard to 'get over' your ex, this is the perfect month to really leave it all behind. Of course, it's not easy to say goodbye to someone. Sometimes we cling on to a memory in the hope of a reconciliation. The fact is, though, whether you cling on to or let go of an ex (or someone you wish could be The One but who just isn't yours) doesn't really affect anything. No planetary activity will ever bring something about which is not meant to be, nor will it ever disrupt something which was your destiny. Mercury retrograde, though, does make it easier to talk things through again. Fingers crossed for the best outcome for you this time. The Venus retrograde this year means some Gemini still have love lives in need to repair. The chance to fix your heart could come now.
The fact that Mercury is going backwards in your love zone (and opposite your sign) means that you really are being asked now to reconsider your love life and your past actions therein. The other side of the cosmic coin where love is concerned right now is that you are being given a second chance to love someone from the past, if you think they'll have you back. If you are still struggling to get back on your feet romantically, don't give up. The light really is at the end of the tunnel now. " Check it out when you have some time. WHy? Coz I'm just a sucker for astrology.
Ok, ok. I'm going to bed. =P =)
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Where are you? I'm online tonight. And you're not here. Not that I'm here especially to talk to you. Not that I'm caving in. Deep down I want to make it. I want to last. I want to prove that I don't need you to function and to survive. That I don't really miss you. I just miss the ideal of you. I want you to want me as much as I want you.
But that's two nights now where I've been online and you haven't. Tomorrow will be Day Four. Which will make it the longest time that we haven't spoken since we started talking to each other again. I've blocked you for now, so that I can make it to Day Four (yes, I know. cheating. so what? =P ).
But yeh, do you think about me? Or are you still in that happy mood? Are you still occupied with other things, and therefore have no time to think about me? Or are you so entrenched in the idea that we can be friends that it doesn't bother you that I haven't been online lately? Do you think about me?
I don't even care if you don't love me and we don't work out. I just want to know that you miss me and that you care about me, and that you want me. More than a friend. More than just a pretty face on your elbow. More than lust.
I want you to miss me.
Can you do that?
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