Thursday, November 18, 2004

Photographing Butterfly

I've decided to cave in to the photo-blogging phenomenon. See link to right (under In Other News). Or if you're too lazy, go here. I've had my digital camera for so long, and have been continually taking pictures. I've been itching for an outlet for them, and in a desperate attempt to continually occupy myself instead of moping waiting for him to come online so I can talk to him, or even have this situation constantly floating around in my head, I decided I may as well fold.

And anyway, there's nothing like wanna-be artistes. Who says we don't all have a desire to be creative or artistic? Whether that is in fact true is another story altogether. Meanwhile, just let us live out our imaginary lives, huh?

Back to my situation though, I'm still trying to figure out where we stand. It's my call this time round. I've made it clear, and I know that he accepts it so. I was talking to my best friend on email today at work, and she commented that my actions can generate three potential scenarios:
  1. I find someone new
  2. He finds someone new
  3. We both get back together

They are the three options that can occur. It may seem obvious, but I find it very fitting (i.e. I never saw it in that light before). Now the problem is whether or not I can handle all three scenarios should they occur. My first response to these three scenarios are:

  1. Bring them on
  2. Not too thrilled about that. And if we are to be friends, this will probably hurt me quite a lot to know that he can find someone outside of me.
  3. What my delusions are tending towards

I think that as long as I can figure out what how to deal with all three scenarios, I will have it made. In the meantime, while I ponder, I maintain contact. There was a bout of sms conversation going on today. My phone bill is going to be shot by the time this month is over. Come on November 23, I need this phone period to be over.

There is more to blog on the work angst front, but I'm too excited by the prospect of customising and decorating my photoblog right now to bother. Least this will keep me occupied for a little while. After all, emotional angst can only get you so far.


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