Monday, November 29, 2004

Horoscoping Butterfly

His stars for the day/week:

"interaction with a good friend could lead to hot, steamy sex, bringing an emotional resolution to a sticky topic. You'll be heaing worn-out situations and will be ready for new careers."

*raises an eyebrow*


As opposed to mine:

"Mercury in charge of communication means a monkey wrench could be thrown in any plans you may have."

Sometimes when I think about all this, it’s just like we’re going around in circles.

The current situation seems to be an echo of last time. The only difference this time around is that there’s no thesis hanging over our heads. Again I am waiting for him to come to a decision. Again I seemingly appear as if I have no control. And again there is a strong possibility that I will be facing rejection.

I made this observation the other night and have held back writing I out hoping to sort it out properly in my head. Doesn’t seem to be doing much though.

This time around I should be older (by a few months) and wiser (you’d think so anyway) and be onto his wily charms. Supposedly. What this means is, I need to have iron-clad control over this situation. And I should be able to better deal with all the emotional manipulation this time around. I should be objective and recognise the reality of the situation, and I should be able to separate that reality from my hopes and desires. In theory it all sounds so easy…

I think one of the key things to keep in mind is to ensure that I can no longer get hurt by him and that I won’t get all angsty every time something happens or he says something offhand.

This half limbo that he’s proposing has all the elements of a tragedy in waiting. And arguably I am re-entering Denial County.

I really should stop going on msn and asking for trouble.


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