Friday, October 15, 2004

Unprepared Butterfly

It seems life is never what you plan or want it to be. I just rang work to talk to my latest new boss. The conversation was... ok. She said that she'd talk with the big CEOs about hiring me. Guess nothing's set in stone huh? I probably will get the job. But knowing that just because I want it, doesn't necessarily means that I'll get it, still throws me in a spin sometimes.

It was the same sort of situation when i first started honours. I went into see my then to-be-supervisor. I told him what i wanted and if he'd be willing to be my supervisor. And he comes back out with, 'well, tell me why you want to do honours.' and then as i was talking, I suddenly realised that i was in a quasi-interview. yikes! i had just assumed he would be so thrilled that i asked, that he'd be jumping out of his chair welcoming me into the fold, no questions asked.

And this phone call, the boss was like, 'yeh, i was expecting a call from you' (i.e. regardless of whether or not my old boss suggested i ring her up anyway). yikes! Blunder #403. x_x *sigh*

I hate inter-personal inter-office politics. bah...


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