Sanguine Butterfly
It could still work out y'know. I've decided to settle on my topic. It's basically the one that my supervisor suggested to me last week. It took me practically a week to decide that it was for me. that and sheer desperation.Looks like I'll be burning the midnight oil again. hell, it's midnight now. But i've emailed him to see if i can see him tomorrow. (yaay). not. means i actually have to do work. gah. i've only got 500 words right now, and the current reread of this selection of fanfiction is *so* addictive. I always love recanvassing favourite novels/fanfiction etc. what do they cal it? back to old stomping grounds. or something like it. I'm just grateful that there are great authors out there who know how to weave a wonderful story for me to sink my teeth into and lose myself in for a few hours.
This is the last run peoples. 3 days. And it will all be over - until graduation in April. Oh, and the possibility of seeing Him on Wednesday. I've been thinking about that off and on actually. Don't know what to do about it yet. I probably have decided in the back of my mind. And i know the chances of him coming to the dinner are slim to none. But if he does... what do i do? Do i care? not really. I'm ready to kick out of my life for good now. Things are looking up in my life once this final assignment is over. I'm actually surprised that I've gotten to this stage where I can seriously feel that I can live without him. Course it could all just be denial crap. who knows. We won't know until I see him next, will i? *rueful smile*
Anyhow, stop rambling. Back to my addictive fanfiction, and then onwards to doing a few more pargraphs or research. I plan to have 5,000 words for my supervisor to look over tomorrow afternoon. here's hoping I can pull it....
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