Monday, October 25, 2004

Random Butterfly

Well, I didn't get much done yesterday. the fanfiction was too addictive. And i don't know if today's going to turn out any better. I requested a journal article online, and then realised this morning that my inbox isn't really big enough to house it if it comes through. ooops... so i spent the last half hour clearing out my folders. I came across a lot of old emails and suddenly have a strong desire to have lots of company around me.

I went overseas one year and made lots of friends. Reading through all that email correspondence makes me reminisce and wish that I could be back there again. At a time when all the worries in the world surrounded upon where to go for a day, what to do, how many friends I could make, and and how much fun could be gleaned out of a day. *sigh* whereas these days, it's 'how to procrastinate until i *really* have to do the essay' bah...

and my supervisor hasn't replied back yet. Seeing as it's 10am, he won't reply at all. so i'll just have to turn up at his office door and hope that he's ok in seeing me. assuming of course that i actually have something decent to show him. *sigh*

I'm actually looking forward to going back to work next week though. 3 days a week is practically a vacation. =D Means i get to ease into it slowly. and it'll be nice to have people around me again. let's hope that my position will be promptly changed from 'research assistant' to 'media analyst' though. After three years i'm ready for a change.

More on the relationship front later - suffice to say that it's all the same random thoughts floating around in my head bumping in the cranium for more attention and thinking time/space. No major developments or revelations. Just the same ol' same ol...


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