Foolish Butterfly
I feel very foolish. Don't ask me why. My supervisor couldn't meet me today so I've sent him my draft essay. current word count after 24 hours: 1,000 words. At this rate, my first 'decent' full draft will be ready by thursday. *yech*Looks like i've got two long late nights ahead of me.
I finished the fanfiction. Satisfying end as always. I really should consider stopping all this foolish procrastination and simply just bite the bullet and get things over and done with. You know what i find amazing though? When push comes to shove, say like, in office environs I can do it. I can sit there for 6 hours straight entering data, writing reports, etc etc. and it's fine. i hate doing it, but i do it. and it's done. and it's over.
So why can't i do the same when it comes to uni work? sitting at my desk (yes i finally graduated from crawling out of bed to write) and staring helplessly at the computer screen before my mouse somehow myseteriously hovers over, or the fanfiction i've got saved in my documents.
anyhow, i've sent off the first draft to my supervisor so i can cheat and 'rest' for a few minutes and sneak off to do some fun stuff. *wicked grin* i swear my 'motivation' gene switches off the minute i step into the house. i don't know what it is. maybe i'm just bad when it comes to writing. which isn't really technically true. well, kind've. who knows. maybe my interest and love for this stuff just isn't there anymore. Maybe i'm just all burned out. Or maybe.... i just don't have the right incentive..... $$$$$$
who knows.
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