Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Adrenaline Butterfly

I've just spent the entire night writing my thesis. that's pretty much 24 hours straight. I hope what i wrote was coherent and eloquent and so spectacular that it will ensure that I do well. and when i mean well, i don't mean some measly pass or credit. I'm talking HD (high distinction, equivalent of an A). Course, I can settle for a Distinction (B). But yeh...

I've just sent my thesis off to both my proofreader and my supervisor. It's 5.55am and I need to wake up and drive my little brother to the station in less than 2 hours. i better hop off and get a bit of snooze time. even though the sun is up. My head is pounding, but I don't feel a thing.

Guess what? i might see Him today!!! *excited squeal*


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